
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Reduce Exercise Transition Time, Increase Weight Loss

Circuit training is one of the most time-effective ways to burn calories. When circuit training, you work multiple muscle groups with light/moderate weight. Switching frequently between muscle groups quickly while using a moderate weight allows you to exercise for extended

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Fact or Fiction: Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Tomatoes reduce cancer risk. Low meat diets reduce cancer risk. Casein protein increases risk for cancer, so don’t drink milk. Soy protects against cancer so you need to drink soy milk. Deli meat causes cancer. Antioxidants are ESSENTIAL in the

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“The Biggest Loser”- We All Lose

Let’s play word association. I say the NBC television show “The Biggest Loser,” what comes to mind? Inspirational, motivating, maybe even life changing? These are all words I’ve heard people use to describe The Biggest Loser. My word association is

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The 4 Golden Rules of a Healthy Lifestyle

Kids, vacations, family emergencies, work – there are an infinite number of things that get in the way of adhering to the exercise and nutrition program necessary to achieve your goals. Indeed, you can feel like you’re on a rollercoaster

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To Stretch or Not to Stretch – That is the Question

Stretch. You know you should. Although often neglected, stretching to enhance flexibility is a critical component of a balanced exercise program. From an adaptation perspective, stretching is performed to improve range-of-motion at a specific joint complex. Essentially, the objective of

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Weight Loss Overcomplicated & Misunderstood

The process of fat loss is quite possibly the most misunderstood and overcomplicated concept in the fitness industry today. Although the so-called experts will tell you that there are special foods or secret ratios of proteins to carbs to fats

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Protein: Fact and Fiction

Protein, protein, protein…we’ve all heard a lot about the importance of protein in our diet. Protein bars, protein shakes, whole diets based around protein – we are inundated on a daily basis with information about how good protein is for

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Interval Training Accelerates Fat Loss

I’m sure that most of you are looking for a quicker, more efficient workout. I’m also fairly sure that most of you are concerned with losing body fat and “toning up” too. Well, what if I told you there is

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The Truth Behind “Fitness” Footwear

What is going on with shoes nowadays? It seems like the footwear we’ve worn for years is somehow no longer adequate. Fitflops, MTB’s, Reetone, Shape-Ups — there is an influx of new shoes on the market, all of which make

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