
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Myth Monday: The Scale Never Lies

It’s funny how many fictional stories from throughout the ages closely resemble situations in our own lives. Writers of old and new, from Shakespeare to the writers at Disney, all share the ability to connect with people through their stories

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Myth Monday: Lose Fat by Carb Cycling

The concept of carbohydrate restriction for weight loss is nothing new, and as we have discussed many times, it is an ineffective way to lose body fat. A variation of this concept is “carb cycling” (alternating high and low carb periods).

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Bar Night Breakdown

It’s a new year and time to start fresh! The new you is going to look slim, be fit and break ALL of your bad habits. Well, MOST of your bad habits…ok, SOME of your bad habits. We all know

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2013 Letter From the Owner

AFS clients- This is one of my favorite blogs of the year! The chance to reflect back on the year that was, look forward to all the great things to come in the year ahead, and most importantly thank all

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Do I REALLY Need to Warm-Up?!

One common time-saving technique in the gym is to skip warming-up. Is a warm-up really necessary? Will your first few minutes of high-intensity cardio, weight lifting, or conditioning class serve the same purpose? The answer to this question is an

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Get to know AFS Staff!

 Sawyer’s Staff Survey   Guilty pleasure TV program: The Voice Favorite cheat meal: Ice cream! Nerdy obsession: Fantasy novels (Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings etc.). I have probably read upwards of 30-40 in the last 4 years… Hidden

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Humans shouldn’t drink milk

According to some, dairy (milk primarily) is pretty much the best food on the planet. After all, it’s essential for healthy bones, teeth, and skin, according to countless commercials and cereal boxes. In addition, some research shows that it may

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