
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

How to Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

High blood pressure (hypertension) is very common in the United States: approximately 1 out of every 3 adults (67 million) have high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, which are the two leading

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Massage Therapist position

We’re Hiring! Due to the expansion of its therapeutic massage therapy program, Ann Arbor, MI-based Applied Fitness Solutions is looking for a therapeutic massage therapist for immediate employment. Candidates must have completed a certification program from an accredited massage therapy

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Metabolic Damage PART 1

Imagine this: you’re eating 800 calories a day, exercising 2-3 hours a day, and you can’t lose any weight. Sounds like a crazy, almost implausible situation – right? Well, although rare, this can be precisely the case with individuals who

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Myth Monday: You Can Never Drink Too Much Water

Walk into any well-known fitness franchise and you’re bound to see one or more of the following: someone on a machine for ten minutes doing everything BUT the proper movement; a morbidly obese individual slowly pedaling a recumbent bicycle while

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Supplement Profile: Branch Chain Amino Acids

WHAT IS IT Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) consist of three of the twenty amino acids (building blocks of protein) and three of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids must be ingested because our bodies are unable to

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Why Can Men Eat More Than Women?

If you are a woman who has attempted a diet and exercise program with your spouse or significant other, you most likely have been frustrated about a few things. First, he eats MORE than you, exercises LESS than you, but

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Supplement Profile: Creatine

Athletes and bodybuilders supplement with creatine for its potential to increase strength, power, and lean mass. However, some media reports have painted creatine as a potential dangerous and toxic chemical that may cause side effects ranging from GI issues to

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The Relationship between Sleep and Exercise

The benefits of getting a good night’s sleep are rarely debated. Most evidence suggests adults need 7-9 hours; however, the exact number varies based on the individual. Sleep allows for recovery, repair, and restoration of physiological and psychological functions. Can

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The Consequences of Missing your Assessments

  It’s our job to give members of AFS all of the tools necessary for success. These tools, including providing specific goals, workouts tailored to the individual, food log evaluations, and holding you accountable from week to week, have proven to be

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Get to Know AFS Staff

 Nate Langley Guilty pleasure TV program: The Voice Favorite cheat meal: Tie between any kind of pizza and BD’s Mongolian Grill. Nerdy obsession: I really like baseball caps, I have a whole wall of them.. Keeps me from having to style my

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