
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

My “Unachievable” Goal

Doctor’s Orders It was about 9 months ago that I went to my primary care doctor because I wasn’t feeling well. My doctor took care of my symptoms and provided some serious tough love. “Kelly, I’ve been seeing you for

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Fighting the Fall Back!

The kids are back in school, sports and other activities that have you playing bus driver for half of your day. Football tailgates are back with a lot more to celebrate this year than in years past. The slower pace

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Success Story (Plymouth)

Name: Rob Wiedling Start Date:  8/11/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Results To Date: 13lbs of fat lost in 44 days 1) How did you hear about AFS? Initially I drove by the Plymouth location everyday on my way to my massage office. However

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The Battle of Beginning!

Well, you finally went and did it this time, didn’t you? You decided to give your couch a break, plunk down some cash, and get yourself into the gym. This time it’s going to be different. This time you won’t

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Success Story (Ann Arbor)

Name: Cindi Ruhl Start Date:  3/4/2013 Fitness Practitioner: Jen Fuller Results To Date: 26 lbs of fat lost and down 15% body fat I was introduced to AFS by a friend. She was going to a reunion and wanted a gym buddy to

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Success Story (Ann Arbor)

Names: Paul and Ying Tsai Start Date: 8/4/2014 Fitness Practitioner: Carli Taylor Results To Date: Combined have lost a total of 38 lbs of fat mass, 19% body fat 1) How did you hear about AFS? Kevin Ackley, who we

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Client Success (Plymouth)

Name: Khalil Kandah Start Date:  4/1/2015 Fitness Practitioner: Chris Eskin Results To Date: 20lbs of fat lost this summer  1) How did you hear about AFS? I used to work out at the Bally’s before AFS took over the location this past

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Meet Our New Employees!

Claire Trapp- Intern Hometown: South Haven, MI A bit about you: I played soccer my whole kid life. I absolutely love hot weather, I don’t even mind humidity. I grew up ridding horses and playing outside. Both my parents are

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The Power of a Positive Influence

As you know, we like to share our own personal experiences with our readers, so I thought I might share with you why I wrote this blog. It’s because I know first hand how powerful a positive influence can be. At age

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