
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

No Year’s Resolution

“New year, new me!” “In 2018, I’m going to start…” “Once the new year hits, I’ll be more motivated.” You’ve probably heard something along these lines (or maybe even said so yourself) and will undoubtedly hear more of these sayings

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Special Olympics Charity Class

Help us Raise Funds for Special Olympics of Washtenaw County!    Join Us Saturday December 9th For A Charity Class: A fun, 60 min circuit training class benefitting Special Olympics. The class is scalable to all levels and will include: boxing,

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AFS Pricing Change & Unlimited WLS Option

Innovation Initiatives As mentioned previously, continuing cutting-edge innovation is a significant element to ensuring you have the best client experience possible. In 2017 we successfully launched several initiatives to serve you better. Most significantly we: (1) launched our mobile app

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Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Fall Favorites!

Holy moly is it ever cold out this morning! I broke down and turned my heat on after Siri told me it was 28 degrees outside! My fingers are icicles as I type, but rest assured, this is going to

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Success Story: Tina Doran

AFS: Thanks for sitting down to talk with me Tina! So let’s get started from the beginning: why did you come to AFS in the first place? Tina: Well, I was Googling gyms in the area, but I didn’t want

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Eat.Fit.Be.Fit – Fall Turkey Chili

Wow. While I took a hiatus from sending blog posts weekly, it really made me miss the story that always went behind my meal prep. It just wasn’t the same, prepping food with no back story to go along with

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AFS Plymouth Small Group Classes

We believe that doing our workouts in a group helps foster a supportive, motivating environment for our clients. But sometimes, being a group can be pretty intimidating (lots of people, working out when you’re not used to it, loud music,

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Moms Don’t Need Motivation

Hello, I’m Nate and I have a fun job. I meet people for a living! Well, I don’t just meet people; I engage with them, I listen to them, I get to know the things they hold near and dear

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Meet Our Staff – Trevor P.

Trevor Plummer Agent Of Change Since 2017 Hometown: Garden City, MI What got you into fitness? I have always been physically active growing up, playing multiple different sports, but my main focus through high school was soccer. I played 3 years

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