
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Eat.Fit.Be.Fit. – Salsa Chicken

So you are working overtime, have 3 kids to take to and from their school functions, your dog needs picked up from the vet, and your spouse is out of town on business. Where in the world does one find

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Set Resolutions On Cruise Control

We’re over 3 weeks into 2018! Health and fitness resolutions are still in full force. We can expect the majority of these resolutions to fade by the wayside come February. Why? It certainly can be the kid’s school and sport

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Success Story: Beth M.

What motivated you to start at AFS? For awhile I had known I needed to make some healthier changes to my lifestyle. My career keeps me very busy, and over the past few years, my “work-life balance” had become anything

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The Ketogenic Diet

Fact, Fiction & Utility Chances are you have heard of the Ketogenic Diet (KD) on television, from a fitness obsessed friend or family member, or through some other media outlet.  The KD is one of the hottest fitness and diet

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Success Story: Susan M.

What motivated you to start at AFS? I’d had back and neck trouble for about 25 years due to whiplash and falling twice on my tailbone. I’d been treated by almost every kind of practitioner in town. Finally, Jay Sandweiss

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Success Story: Nancy M.

What motivated you to start at AFS? It took me a while to decide to start with AFS because I thought they were like every other gym and wouldn’t be able to help me. But, I decided to give it

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Meet Our Amazing Client: Amanda

The Journey Weight loss has always been a struggle for me. There was constantly an internal battle between my desire to be thin and healthy and my desire for large amounts of pizza. Typically, pizza has won this battle but

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Kickoff Summer- Saturday Pop-Up 5/28

Pop-In For the Charity Pop-Up Workout! AFS Pop-Up Workouts: Outdoor workouts for all fitness levels. A short notice, weather permitting, calorie burning, sweat dripping good time. Summer is here, and the weather is telling us it’s time to get back

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