Amazing Clients of AFS- Sarah and Deby!




Sarah Morris and Deby Evans (mother and daughter) are an amazing duo! Sarah has been a client since March 2nd, 2013 and competed in approximately 15 triathlon’s. Deby since September 2nd, 2012 and has competed in approximately 18 triathlon’s!


How did you get into triathlon training?

Sarah: My mother. She started with Triathlons and suggested I try a sprint one with her since I was in competitive swim in high school. I participated in my first one and was hooked.

Deby: A friend got me into running and I tore my gastrocnemius muscle and so in order to stay fit I took up swimming and biking. When I was allowed to run again I was looking for a running race to do and my husband suggested I do a local triathlon (TRex series) so I volunteered for two events (so I could spy and check out the way it all worked) and did the last one of the series in 2012. Despite thinking,”what was I thinking,” it proved to be a challenge for me and from there I just wanted to go longer and get better, so I continued on my triathlon journey.

What do you find most rewarding?

S: Crossing the finish line and knowing I was able to push my body through all the different events in one day. Over the years, I have discovered that Ironman Triathlons are one of the most mentally challenging and rewarding events I have participated.

D: From the training: it’s staying in shape and being able to reflect back on the number of yards/miles I do each week. For the races– which are the real reward–it is crossing the finish line, spending time with my daughter and having fun. Triathlons really are a lot of fun to do.

What are some obstacles you have faced and overcome?

S: Keeping the motivation to push through the hard training days or a tough race. When everything seems to be going wrong on a long bike ride or my legs decide to not cooperate on a run, it’s hard to keep motivated while exercising. Having a training buddy really helps keep the motivation alive and push through the hard training sessions / to continue on the course of a race.

D: Injuries, such as my broken foot and my IT band issues, and learning to take rest days were hard for me. Also getting more comfortable in open water has been a challenge, but with perseverance and more swimming I’m getting there.

How do you find the time to fit this volume of exercise into your lifestyle?

S: I do a majority of my training on the weekends. My job keeps me very busy during the week and being 24, there are days I would rather go to the bar with friends than sit on my bike for three hours. It also helps to have my mother training with me, so we’ll get together for some of our training days when our plans match up (aka she has a 10 mile run and I have a 25 mike ride or we both have to do 2000 yards of swimming).

D: Fitting in all the training is hard for sure; I don’t have much of a social life but I do try to plan a couple of days to do fun things, even if I turn up sweaty or with wet hair.  It’s great that I get a log and can flex my training around my work schedule. On the bright side it means I’m busy every weekend!

What’s next?!

S: Ironman Louisville in 2017. My mum already has her eyes set on completing a full ironman once in her life and I couldn’t imagine not being on the course with her!

D: Ironman Louisville in 2017 … then hopefully back to WLS 🙂


You two are a dynamic duo and deserve to be recognized for all of your hard work over the past couple years! Keep being an inspiration to us all 🙂

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