Amazing AFS Clients- Stephanie



Name: Stephanie

Practitioner: Jared Freeman

Results to Date: Down 92 pounds, down 33% body fat, and down 64 inches overall

How long have you been a client with AFS?
Almost 3 years.

What do you look forward to the most when coming to AFS?
I look forward to the feeling I know I will have after completing a good, hard workout. I love being pushed to work harder by the trainers and the friends I’ve made at AFS!

What has been the most rewarding part?
Seeing all the progress I’ve made – it makes me feel proud of how hard I have worked.

What keeps you going/keeps you motivated? (What’s your “Why”?)
I stay motivated by remembering how horrible I used to feel compared to now. It feels amazing to be active and healthy and I never want to go back to where I was before I found AFS!

What has been the hardest part?
Maintenance is definitely a double-edged sword for me. Although it feels good to see the progress I’ve made, it can be difficult to not have the constant weight loss as tangible motivation like I did in the beginning.

What is your favorite exercise and why?
It’s kind of a love-hate relationship, but I’d have to say pull-ups. I remember when I couldn’t even do one and how amazing it felt when I finally did it. I have a personal goal to keep increasing the number of unassisted pull-ups I can do, which is a good way for me to track progress.

What advice can you offer others looking to start?
Just do it, even though it may seem uncomfortable. The time is going to pass anyway so you might as well do something that’s good for you along the way. I know I was super nervous to start almost 3 years ago but I haven’t looked back since and I’m so glad!


Stephanie, it’s truly been amazing watching you transform over the last few years! You are such an inspiration to all of us 🙂

Want more info on Stephanie’s program?

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