Amazing AFS Clients- Roni Radowick



Name: Roni Radowick

Practitioner: Brooke McCartney

Results to Date:  50lbs down, less knee pain, more energy, more excitement for the future.

1) How long have you been a client with AFS?
I started the middle of March 2015. I was coming in to see what AFS was about and figured I would start after my vacation which was in 2 weeks. Devin talked me into not delaying the process and get some weight loss classes in before. Which I was glad I did because we were in the Grand Canyon on vacation and a lot of hiking was involved! After I came back I started religiously and still continue my 2 days a week, Monday and Thursday.

2) What do you look forward to the most when coming to AFS?
The staff is fantastic and definitely keeps me motivated. Bad moods are definitely “not allowed” at AFS. There is always someone pushing me to be better and that’s what I like and need. There are no egos to be found.

3) What has been the most rewarding part?
Well my 50lb weight loss for sure! During the “blah” MI winter months it’s very easy for me to shrug off and find an excuse. But AFS has given me the tools needed to get through and keep going! I haven’t hit my goal yet, but when I do, there’s another goal waiting in the wings. I have to continue to make this my “new normal”.

4) What keeps you going/keeps you motivated? (What’s your “Why”?)
My health keeps me motivated. There have been many physical obstacles that had me worried about working out. I have back issues and have already had surgery. I’ll do everything to keep myself moving to avoid having to go through that anytime soon again. That’s what impressed me most about AFS! They’re all educated practitioners that have an understanding of my personal conditions and are always making sure that I’m not harming myself and doing it wrong. It’s the guidance that I depend on!

5) What has been the hardest part?
Carving that time out of my busy schedule, but I’ve treated it like a part-time job that I HAVE to be at those 2, sometimes 3 days a week. Once I made it a mandatory requirement, I’ve kept coming week after week. I’ve always been good at going strong, but as soon as I took a vacation or some altering moment in my life occurs, I would come up with excuse after excuse, after excuse (you get it) and then not continue. Now if that occurs the following Monday I’m back and ready to go.
Some of my physical/health issues have reared their ugly heads at times, but I have the best practitioner, Brooke, that knows what my concerns are and can get me over “the hump” when I need it.

6) What is your favorite exercise and why?
Getting out all my frustrations on the punching bags! I have a pretty stressful job. So when I can get to AFS and start “wailing off” on the bag, I’m all better…LOL

7) What advice can you offer others looking to start?
Just stick with it and don’t give up! Ten years ago I was 136lbs over weight. I, like a lot of people, would come to the conclusion that nothing was going to change so I would continue to hide behind the food. I would do all the weight-loss plans, and it was always the same thing…”take off 20, get over-confident, put on 30″…next diet…”lose 20, get over-confident, put on 40″  and on and on and on. Then all of a sudden I was surprised and in denial that I’m 100+ lbs overweight. Can’t breathe right, can’t play with my kid, can’t stand in a line, knees ache, …. I knew that it took a lot of years
years to put it on and I was just going to have to be patient in getting it off. I lost 50 lbs over 5 years ago and kept it off. I refer to that as a “Phase One” and thanks to AFS, I have dropped another 50…”Phase Two”… now the next 50 will then be referred to as “Phase-What-I-Weighed-In-High School” =) Thanks to AFS I have a different outlook on my future as to how I will be able to approach going into my 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s than I did 10 years ago. All I can say is I’m looking forward to it!

Thanks for sharing Roni! You’ve accomplished so much and will continue to do so! Keep that last phase in your sights!
-AFS Team

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