Amazing AFS Clients- Hanah Wilkins



Name: Hanah Wilkins

Practitioner: Kemper Sosa

Results to Date: Down 20 pounds, down 10% body fat, and down 12 inches overall

How long have you been a client with AFS?
I started with AFS on January 1, 2016. I’ve always been active having grown up participating in all kinds of sports. But the last two years my work life balance became unhealthy. I was working 60 or more hours a week and had become completely sedentary. One morning I looked in the mirror and said to myself, “Who is this person?” I literally didn’t recognize myself my body had changed so much. After sharing this story with a friend of mine and commenting on how great she was looking, she told me about AFS and how much success she’d had there. After looking into other setups (classes, personal training, Crossfits, etc.) I decided AFS had the right balance between personal goals, accountability, and price. It was the best decision I could have made!

What do you look forward to the most when coming to AFS?
The workouts. Everyday is different and every day I wonder, “what will they have us doing today?” Needless to say, I like variety. It keeps me from getting bored or complacent.

What has been the most rewarding part?
It’s hard to say it’s just one thing! Selfishly, it’s seeing my body transform back into a more fit physique and feeling overall healthier. However, what has surprised me and what I didn’t expect was how wonderful it’s been getting to know my practitioner, Kemper, and the other instructors and staff at AFS. Everyone has made me feel welcomed and supported. Unlike many gyms I’ve been to over the years, the people at AFS really seem to care about my personal progress and well being. I can honestly say that I have made some good friends here. Additionally, as I learned more about how great AFS was I decided to share the experience with my team at work. Encouraging them to sign up and supporting them in their own journey has been extremely rewarding for me, not to mention has brought our team closer together. It’s a great feeling to know that you have coworkers to support and motivate you.

What keeps you going/keeps you motivated? (What’s your “Why”?)
Exercise has always been something that keeps me rooted to my true self. It’s how I relieve stress and where I find my personal, inner strength. I’m a competitor by nature so setting goals for myself – losing fat pounds, appearing more fit, or increasing my vertical jump for recreational volleyball (as silly as that may seem) – helps keeps me on track. I’m always looking forward to my next assessment with Kemper and together setting the bar for the next stage in my journey.

What has been the hardest part?
Getting this journey started! Coming off a year of putting everything else before my own well being, it was hard to admit how out of shape I’d gotten and how afraid I was to get back into exercising. Staying late at work or maneuvering around my son’s busy sports schedule had become excuses for why I couldn’t workout “today.” So the first thing I did was commit to leaving work on time so I could workout before my son’s hockey games. The 4:15 weight loss class has been wonderful because I get a full day’s work in, I get my exercise time, and am home by 5:30 ready to be with my family. Every night I feel energized and accomplished!

What is your favorite exercise and why?
My typical answer would be shoulder and back exercises but lately I’ve enjoyed the ladders and “dots.” It brings me back to my childhood days of playing hopscotch with friends on the sidewalk during a sunny summer afternoon. Those exercises always make me smile and people who work out with me will oftentimes find me behaving a little silly while doing it.

What advice can you offer others looking to start?
You have to be ready. If you don’t understand why you are there or understand your purpose then it is really hard to stick with any new exercise regimen. Once you have figured out your “why” stop in and talk to the folks at AFS. You will find that there is nothing to be afraid of! There is nothing intimidating, judgmental or unfriendly about AFS. I don’t understand how they do it, but AFS attracts clientele who embrace the supportive, accepting culture. The moment you step into one of their classes you feel like you belong there regardless of age, gender, or fitness level. Once you make the decision to try it, believe me, you won’t regret it! I couldn’t be more thankful for the people and systems at AFS and how it’s helped me (and my team) achieve a healthier, happier lifestyle. I feel like myself again. I am eternally grateful for Kemper’s ongoing support, the instructors who encourage me to keep moving during class, and the interesting variety the workouts offer. To me, AFS is a no brainer!


Hahah, every time you come in for class, YOU KILL IT!

Want more info on Hanah’s program?

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