Strength Training: The New Cardio Webinar


Strength Training…it’s what the doctor is ordering.

When you hear the words “strength” and “training”, we’re right there with you.  Cue up the images of overtly muscular dudes lifting heavy weights in the free weight section of the gym, intimidating their fellow patrons.

Here’s the good news, strength training exceeds far beyond that imagery.  In fact, more evidence is pointing to this modality of exercise to be the “gold standard” of exercise.  Not only is it helpful for our bones and muscles, it’s becoming a non-negotiable for our cardiovascular health as well.

For those looking to improve their:

  • Cardio
  • Functional Capacity
  • Longevity

This webinar explains how strength training is the gateway towards those outcomes.


Watch The Full Webinar Below:


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