AFS Announces First 30 Minute Class


It’s important to our entire organization that we’re constantly innovating and providing our clients an experience that addresses their needs. Over the past few years we’ve introduced a lot of back-end systems to improve the AFS experience (new software for client-trainer interface, video systems, etc) but there’s one area I feel we’ve been somewhat idle in; our fitness classes themselves. It’s actually been 4 years since AFS introduced a new class. That said, I’m happy to announce that streak is coming to an end.

Starting May 2nd, AFS will launch its newest class offering, something completely different from our other solutions (both in content and structure). Contrary to the typical 60 minute run-time, this class will run just 30 minutes. I personally field several calls and emails per day from clients with suggestions on improving our classes and one word that always comes up is convenience. People are busy! And we want to make it easier for them to get their workouts in. On the same token, we also want workouts to be efficient and that’s exactly the word I would use to describe the new class.

Just as AFS is a hybrid of group training and personal training, this new class is also a hybrid. We’ve found a way to effectively combine two exponentially different exercise modalities into one 30 minute calorie burning, core strengthening, spiritual awakening. We call it Cardioga. A mix between circuit training (cardio) and Hatha Yoga- (what’s known as traditional yoga today.)


As I write this, I can only imagine the litany of clients rolling their eyes because for years I’ve adamantly denied requests for adding yoga classes at AFS. Although I’ve always been a fan of the overall health benefits of yoga (better sleep, improved recovery, lower stress levels) I couldn’t justify putting it on our rotation because of how low the energy expenditure is in a 60 minute yoga class compared to say, a circuit training class (roughly 80% fewer calories burned). As you all know, I’m a science guy, so those numbers just didn’t bode well for me. That said, my perspective completely changed when I read a new study out of the University of North Dakota this past fall..

To summarize the study, examiners placed electrodes in 8 locations on the bodies of 50 participants while they were put through a traditional 60 minute yoga class. Participants would move through a series of poses and hold each one for 60 seconds before transitioning to the next one. In an adjacent room, scientists monitored muscle activation displayed by the participants throughout the class and an interesting pattern emerged. It was found that 90% of muscle activation and contraction occurred BETWEEN poses, meaning the transition from pose to pose required more energy, produced more muscle cell damage, and promoted more blood flow than the poses themselves. As I read this I had a realization, if the transition phase of a yoga pose is the most effective piece, why can’t we produce more transitions? The answer is that we can, and we will starting this spring.

The Workout

The class will be comprised of  a one minute dynamic warm-up, followed by station assignments. Once assigned to a station, clients will rotate between 4 poses per station switching every 10 seconds to maximize transitions for a total station time of 3 minutes. There will be 2 minutes rest between stations to allow the client to fully recover for the next bout of poses/transitions. Once through all stations there will be a 4 minute AMPAP (As Many Poses As Possible) segment led by the instructor. Just like in our Weight Loss Solution class, each station will have varied difficulty levels, so no yoga experience will be required to take this class.

Try it Free

We will be holding trial Cardioga classes the last week of April (4/25-4/30). During this time all AFS clients are eligible to do as many 30 minute Cardioga sessions as they like for no cost so that we can gather feedback before the official launch. Click below for class times and scheduling!

[actionbutton color=”#ff4301″ link=””]Schedule and Photos[/actionbutton]



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