- Provides a better, more interactive and more individualized experience!
- Adding video of each movement for each intensity level will free up the instructor to provide a better quality of service! Clients will now be able to immediately look at the videos and make small adjustments allowing the practitioner more time to give in depth cues and spend less time simply re-explaining exercises.
- No time will be wasted at the beginning of each class with demonstrations! This allows for 1 full extra minute of exercise at each station!
- Time spent between stations can be more focused on extra guidance and relationship-building and less re-explaining exercises.
- Those who are nervous about asking questions will now be safer since the video is there for them to adjust form and follow along with.
- Brand new clients will have less anxiety since the whole class is now displayed front and center for them to follow along with.
The Truth Behind HIIT and if it’s Right for You
https://youtu.be/fE-Q9J9TWwc High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a very popular mode of exercise, for good reason – it works when done right. The operative part