What is your “WHY”?
I honestly didn’t have any measurements, weights, etc. as an aim. I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle. Having regularity in getting to the gym and eating well was just something that I wanted to do on a daily basis.
What motivated you to start at AFS?
Way back in time when I lived in Thailand, I did some interval training and really enjoyed it. It took me around 6 months after moving to Ann Arbor to find AFS.
How do you define your success?
Just being able to feel better and not passing out in a pool of sweat during some of the more difficult exercises.
What was your biggest obstacle you overcame to achieve your success?
Consistency and getting into a routine to make the 6 a.m. class. I have never ever been a morning person…it was super difficult at the start with multiple alarms and more than a few times where I was on time for a 6:05 class.
What keeps you coming back to AFS?
All of the great instructors who have been just awesome with their encouragement and positivity.
How is your life different now?
I now live a healthy lifestyle. I watch what I eat and try to exercise every day. My days also start out with a victory if I have made it to AFS. That sets the tone for the remainder of the day.
What advice would you give others looking to start with AFS?
Once I committed myself to getting into shape, that mantra “3 weeks to form a habit, 3 months to form a lifestyle” really came true. Stick it out for a while.
Also, just because you get a bad haircut, don’t change your AFS photo to one of Kim Jong Un. That haircut will grow out in a week or so.