2013 Letter From the Owner


AFS clients-

This is one of my favorite blogs of the year! The chance to reflect back on the year that was, look forward to all the great things to come in the year ahead, and most importantly thank all of you for being spectacular and hard-working clients.

First and foremost, I want to thank all of you, our clients, for your tremendous support and dedication to a healthy lifestyle. Without all of you, nothing that we do would be possible! On behalf of my staff, I extend to you a very heartfelt thank you – you have made AFS into the thriving organization it is today. Thank you for your loyalty and support.

2013 was another banner year for AFS in terms of growth and expansion of clientele, staff, and systems. We expanded our staff by nearly a third, adding an assistant marketing director position as well as an assistant fitness director position.

To my entire staff, I say a special thank you. Working at AFS is fun and rewarding, but it’s also demanding and challenging. My staff’s commitment to excellence, continuing education, and professionalism, day-in and day-out, is what makes AFS a first-class organization. Their contribution is unmistakably the life-blood of your experience!

In 2013, we saw one of the biggest systematic transitions AFS has undergone to date, with the implementation of our proprietary client management software. Although, all of you, as clients, have not directly seen the effects of this software, it has impacted your client management experience with AFS, and will even more in the future. This software has streamlined our processes for food log evaluation, client contact, and assessments, resulting in practitioners spending less time in the office doing paperwork and more time on the workout floor interacting with you. In 2014 you will begin to see the rollout of a client-interface for this software. This interface will allow you to log in and see pertinent information, like prescribed workouts, assessments, and other educational information from your practitioner.

We plan to upgrade the in-facility technology as well. From LCD screens and looped video of exercises in WLS classes, to tablet PC-based viewing of educational content, our technological upgrades will only serve to make your AFS client experience more valuable, rewarding, and informative.

Finally, as always we will strive to upgrade all systems (frontend, backend, teaching/training, and client management) to provide you with the best, most cutting-edge, fitness experience in the industry. We are pleased with the strides we’ve made in 2013, but this is still just the beginning. As I do every year, I pledge to never settle for where we’re at as an organization. Indeed, we will strive to make 2014 an even better year for all of you by getting better ourselves.

Thank you again for your loyal support as AFS clients. Happy Holidays – here’s to a fit 2014!

Yours in Health,


Michael E. Stack, BS CFP CSCS*D

Owner, Applied Fitness Solutions


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