
5 Best Strength Training Exercises to Improve Posture

Member performing strength exercises while coach watches

The muscles that support proper posture might be the most important muscles in the body. This collective set of muscles ensures we maintain proper alignment when we’re sitting, standing, exercising, and anything else we’d do in our day. The problem is the muscles that support proper posture are in a constant state of “detraining” because […]

Afterburn – The Secret Behind HIIT Workouts

Hiit workout in progress with a man lifting weights

Are you ready to ignite your fitness journey and torch calories long after you’ve left the gym? Welcome to the world of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), where the magic of afterburn turns your body into a calorie-burning powerhouse. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover the secrets behind HIIT and the phenomenal afterburn effect.   Whether […]