Success Story: Lynette D.


What motivated you to start at AFS?

I had three different people tell me about AFS, as well as my physical therapist. I finally said to myself I think I better get to AFS and see what this is all about!

What keeps you coming back to AFS?

What keeps me coming back is the support of my practitioner and the trainers, as well as the ability to have my workouts designed for my particular issues.

How do you define your success?

I can feel my muscles, I feel stronger in spite of my physical challenges.

What was your biggest obstacle you overcame to achieve your success?

Making a commitment to continue coming. My success is that I committed to working out two days per week, and have stuck with it no matter what. I schedule my workouts at the beginning of the day and everything else after. I only cancel classes when we’re gone on vacation or I’m having surgery. I worked out my scheduled times up to the day before my last knee surgery.

What was your biggest fear before you started?

My biggest fear was that I wouldn’t be able to maintain a consistent workout regiment. I’ve joined many gyms over the years, paid big fees, and left feeling it was a waste of money because I’d go a few times and then drop out. I haven’t done that at AFS 🙂

What advice would you give others looking to start at AFS?

My advice would be to try it out for at least a month, and be sure to communicate with your practitioner and the trainers about any problems you are having with the workouts, no matter which class setting you are in. They are there to help you get the most out of your time and money, and are very happy and willing to do so.

If you could go back in time, what would you say to yourself before your first class?

Congratulations for taking this first step toward a stronger, healthier you!

How is your life different now?

Well, I know I’m stronger. I can feel my muscles under the fat. Makes me wonder where I would be now with my knee issues if I weren’t stronger.

Tell us about a moment where you were really proud of yourself?

When I first joined AFS, I was in Weight Loss Solutions. It took me a while, but I was able to lose about 20 lbs and remained motivated to lose more. I was very proud of that. Clothing I hadn’t been able to wear for a long time was now fitting. My stomach wasn’t sticking out as much. Then, the knee surgeries began and the difficulties associated with that was exhausting. So, at the suggestion of my practitioner, Jen, I started Strength Solutions. My weight became secondary, as I worked to strengthen my body.


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