Success Story Liz Stockwell


What motivated you to start at AFS?

I used to play basketball and was very active, then I got hurt and I came to a complete stop on exercising all together. I then gained a whole lot of weight. I had been trying to do minor things here and there, but it wasn’t cutting it. I needed structure, kind of like being on a team again. One day while at work my boss kept talking about this place that he and his wife go to that kicks butt and is awesome. He brought me with him to one weight loss class and I haven’t turned back since.

You are getting married in June, what are you most excited about?

My first thought was Mac n Cheese, haha, actually my biggest thing is seeing Steve’s face when he sees me for the first time coming down the isle (that’s always my favorite part at weddings, and this time it’ll be my wedding with my guy so that will be pretty exciting). I am also looking forward to seeing my family come in from out of state.

What is the biggest obstacle you overcame to achieve your success?

Honestly, it would have to be my attitude, when I first began I’d barely hit the 8 weight loss classes a month. Cassie and I always had the joke “Liz you’re here, it must be the end of the month!” Finally something clicked at the beginning of the year, I switched to unlimited and starting coming more consistently and I changed my diet and that has made all the difference.

How is your life different now?

I have found that my drive in life has changed, I feel more determined to achieve goals. Also my clothes fit better and that’s pretty cool.

What advice would you give others looking to start with AFS?

Keep coming! I remember the first time I came, I couldn’t walk for almost a week! A part of me wanted to never come back, but once I started coming and putting my all into it the results have been crazy! Also everyone is real nice and I have made good friends here that I look forward to seeing everyday. 

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