Mike Thomas’ Success Story


What motivated you to start at AFS?

Rosanne and I had not been actively working out for almost two years and after experiencing a couple of injuries I realized that I needed to get back to regular workouts to help me get fit and lose weight. Doing it with Rosanne and our son, JT, was really important to me. We noticed AFS in our neighborhood but never took the time to stop in or do any research. Then one day we decided it was time to take a look. We met with Andrew and knew right away that it was a great fit.

What keeps you coming back to AFS?

The weight loss classes are great and everyone is so positive and supportive. I would never push myself that hard if I was working out alone. Eileen, along with all of the other fitness instructors are right there to help with explanations and corrections to help maximize results and keep us safe.

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience?

The best part of AFS is the people. The staff is awesome and the other people working out are fun and supportive too. It’s truly a no-judgement zone.  After a few weeks I started seeing results! I stayed active through an achilles tendon injury and have seen even better results after about 10 months. It’s unlike any other gym I’ve ever been involved with.

What advice would you give to others looking to start at AFS?

My best advice is to just start. Once you’ve committed, stay consistent.  My experience here has been life-altering. Getting to AFS is now part of my NORMAL schedule, not anything special. It’s the “me time” that I now realize is so important for not only my physical health, but my mental health as well.

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