I love my Mom because….


I love my mom because she taught me that having a mom like her means everything. I love how kind and generous she is to everyone she meets. I love how simply hearing her voice brings me peace. My momma is my best friend and my greatest source of encouragement, love and laughter.


I love my Mom because even though I am a Mom now, I still need her more than ever! She has driven and flown from MN so many times in the past 9 months since my daughter was born to care for us and support us. I love you so much Mom!


I love my Mom because she is the most caring person I know. She always does so much for everyone and never expects anything in return.  I can always count on her to be there for me no matter what and she inspires me everyday (:


I love my mom because she sets a great example for the type of mom I would like to be some day. She is genuine, friendly, loving, and my best friend. I don’t know where I would be without her! Love you mom ❤


I love my mom because she always gave me the tools to be successful and taught me to always move forward 🙂


I love my mom because she raised me (and my sisters) with love, respect, empathy, and kindness…but also treats everyone else with those same qualities. She never told me anything that I didn’t already know through observing her actions and interactions. I am forever grateful to have her as my mom.

I love my mom because nothing is stronger than her will. Except maybe her love…Well, then there’s those cooking skills. And that graceful way she makes hard things look easy. Or the way she embraces others no matter how different they are from her. Thank you for the lessons, the long road trips, and the legendary mispronunciations that make me laugh every time. I’ll always be a momma’s boy


I love my mom because she’s always seen my potential even when I haven’t. When times are tough she always reminds me of who I am and where I come from. I thank God for Blessing me with the woman I call Mom.


I love my mommy because we get to match clothes on special occasions, and someday I’ll even be able to borrow her shoes and jewelry! I love you Mommy

-Ava Rae

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