
Erica and Mike’s Success Story


What Motivated you to start AFS?

E:  I wanted to find a program that had options and variety in classes. The fact that we could come during the day and not have to worry about daycare for Maverick was a huge bonus for us. After giving birth 5 months prior, I was wanting to find a place where I could get a great workout in and feel productive after leaving the gym.
M:  I wasn’t feeling good about myself physically, I felt like a cow, and frankly was starting to look like one (not in the cool I’m going to make milk kind of way). We looked at a lot of different places and AFS just seemed like a good fit. Everyone was cool, the programs seemed manageable, and I didn’t have to climb any trees to find food to eat.

What keeps you coming back to AFS?

E: 1. The way I feel and changes I keep seeing.  2. The people and atmosphere (trainers and friends in class).  3. Mike does, he drives me there everyday.
M. I like the trainers and the challenge. Since we added Strength Solution for Saturdays I kind of feel like my rotation is complete. I’m very happy with the results so far, and I’m excited to see how things keep progressing.

What has been your biggest change since starting AFS?

E: Diet, what we eat  has changed so drastically. The amount of water I drink, and also how my clothes fit and my confidence level has skyrocketed.
M: Same, I can’t believe how regimented I am now with what I eat and how aware I am with what is in the foods I eat (I was gross apparently). I gave my word to Trent the first time we sat down that I wouldn’t eat anything that came through a window anymore (drive thru) and I haven’t, and for the most part, I don’t miss it.

What was the most rewarding part of your experience?

E: Working out with new friends and watching the numbers change (body fat, weight, etc) in a positive manner. I’m enjoying seeing my muscles build and seeing definition in places I didn’t know I could be defined! This whole experience has been a reward, there isn’t one little part that sticks out, but I love all of it!
M: Honestly, the fact that I have been able to stick to it.  Balancing work and life for me is super tough, but people around me understand that between 9a-10a is my time, don’t bother me. The results are fantastic, what I have learned is super important about nutrition, and I get to spend more time with Erica who keeps me in check and pushes me to keep working hard here at AFS!

What advice would you give others looking to start at AFS?

E: The first week is tough, like real tough, but stick with it. Go at your own pace, do what you can with still pushing yourself. It never gets easier, but you get better and stronger which makes the challenge worth it.
M: Don’t plan on standing up without screaming the first week….  Trust in the process, and accept that there are people at AFS to guide you in the direction you need to be. There isn’t an easy way to get in shape (trust me, I looked), but the hard work, the dedication, the sweat, sore hamstrings, and stinky laundry are all worth it. I feel like a million bucks compared to how I used to feel, which to me is priceless.
You don’t need to be crazy and come 5-6 days a week from the start, that worked for us which now that I think about it seems crazy, but it might not work for everyone. Erica and I are stubborn, sometimes in a good way.  We set out to kick this things ass, and I think so far we’ve done pretty good.  AFS has become a regular part of our day, not something we think about going to daily, it is just something that we do. I schedule work activities around coming to AFS, that is how important it is to me personally to continue this journey.
Having the people at the gym to motivate and make us feel like family is huge and we always leave with a smile on our face (and exhausted)! Whether it is just the two of us coming to the gym or if we have Dylan and or Maverick in town with us, this is how our Monday – Saturdays go from 9a – 10a no matter what!

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