
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

5 Nutrition Tips for Young Athletes

Most athletes recognize the importance of nutrition and the implications it has on sports performance. At what age, and at what level of sport, it is appropriate to start addressing nutrition with an athlete is a common point of confusion

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Do’s & Don’t of Dietary Supplements

Everyone is always looking for the magic pill or the secret powder to help them reach their fitness, weight loss, or performance goals. Indeed, dietary supplement manufacturers claim that supplements make you bigger, stronger, faster, leaner, and better. How many

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Functional Training – Not So Functional

The fitness industry is great for gimmicks and buzzwords, and there is no bigger embodiment of this trend than the concept of “functional” training. “Functional” training, as defined by most of its proponents, consists of performing exercises that mimic the

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“NEAT” New Research on Fat Loss

When you think of calorie expenditure to aid in body fat reduction, typically you think of someone sweating for hours on the treadmill or performing vigorous calisthenic exercises. Rarely do you think of the activities performed during daily life as

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What to Bring to Your Workout

Sometimes just getting to the gym is the hardest part of your day. Finding the motivation to show up can be tough, but once you are there you will get a good workout… Right? In an ideal world the answer

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The Real “Detox” Option

Our bodies are ENTHRALLING. Our bodies are POWERFUL. Our bodies are WISE. Hidden amongst and under our highly intelligent and discerning skin are layer upon layer of intricate compositions; systems and structures functioning in ways we aren’t even aware of.

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Unstable Surface Training: Fact vs Fallacy

A growing trend in the fitness industry is the use of unstable surfaces during resistance training. Walk through any local gym or personal training studio and you will see BOSU domes (both sides up), air disks, and balance boards. Some

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“Detox” Diets

TAKE COVER!! It’s 2012! The year of doom and catastrophe! The Mayan calendar is ending! The ice caps are melting! Desperate Housewives was cancelled! What is the world coming to!? Worst of all, chemical and environmental toxins are building up

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Artificial Sweeteners

Monday morning, strength room, 8:15am. I’ve already been awake for four hours. Perched atop the dumbbell rack beside me is my only defense against the inevitable drowsiness due to set in any moment. I reach over and snatch the zero

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AM Cardio on an Empty Stomach

Saturday, December 10, 2005. I’m in my second year of college at Oakland University. It’s 6am… I am trying to sleep in after a long week of exams, work, and studying for Mike Stack’s 400 level quizzes in his 100

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Learning About Popular Supplements

The supplement industry has grown significantly over the past 25 years. It is estimated to be a 25-30 billion dollar per year industry. While there are copious amounts of supplements on the market claiming to improve health and body composition,

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Stress and Weight Loss

Wake up, shower, do hair, get breakfast ready, get kids to school, get a workout in, get to work, pick up kids from school, take kid #1 to soccer, take kid #2 to football, coordinate ride home for kid #2,

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