
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Resistance Training to Maximize Fat Loss

When you think of resistance training, you probably think of some muscle-bound guy over in the corner of the gym doing bicep curls trying to grunt and groan out that last rep to make his arms another inch bigger. Rarely

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Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals

Have you ever tried a diet? Yeah, you – I’m talking to you! Have you ever tried a diet? Oh, don’t worry – you don’t have to tell me, because I already know the answer. Of course you have! We

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Preventing Holiday Weight Gain

Mini candy bar…150 calories… Piece of pumpkin pie…400 calories… Two turkey legs, half a plate of mashed potatoes, and three gingerbread men…1500 calories… Making it through the holiday season without gaining any weight… Priceless! At this point, that last statement

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Food Logging for Lasting Weight Management

What if I told you there was one thing you could do that would guarantee you lose weight? I mean, not just maybe, but absolutely guarantee it. And I’m not talking about the fake television infomercial guarantee, but a real,

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Performance Training for Young Athletes

Some of the most frequently asked questions I get are associated with performance training for grade school and high school athletes. Most parents are looking for either a competitive edge for their young athlete, or for ways to prevent injury

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Choosing a Lasting New Year’s Resolution

“This year, I’m going to lose 50 pounds…” “This year, I’m going to the gym every day after work…” “This year, I will get in the best shape of my life…” Do these sound like statements you’ve made on January

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Exercise Variety Critical to Training Adaptations

Everyone gets bored with their workout routine from time-to-time and feels compelled to “switch it up.” You go from lifting with machines to lifting with free weights. Instead of using the Elliptical Trainer, you walk on the treadmill. You make

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Timing Your Rest For Better Results

If you resistance train, you undoubtedly know you count several things. You count the number of repetitions you perform in a set, the number of sets you perform in a workout, and you even count (and probably write down somewhere)

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