
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Does Yoga Promote Weight Loss?

Yoga is often a misunderstood mode of exercise. The tradition of yoga originated at least 5,000 years ago in India. It was intended to help redirect a person’s search for perfection and happiness through external sources (power and wealth) to

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Eating Before Bed Makes Me Fat

You have probably heard that eating most of your calories before bed will make you gain weight. Smaller, frequent meals throughout the day and no eating within 3 hours of sleep are best for fat loss….right? Research: Physiologically this is

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Get to know your Practitioner!

((Picture)) Carli’s Staff Survey     Guilty Pleasure TV Program: Shameless Favorite Cheat Meal: Chicken fingers and fries with A TON of ketchup! Nerdy Obsession: Looking in other people’s refrigerators, haha! It’s a must in a new house. First Crush:

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High Reps Tone, Low Reps Bulk

You’ve probably heard the phrase “high reps tone, low reps bulk” often enough to believe it’s a true physiological fact, right? Well, what if I told you that statement is wrong. In fact, what if I went on to say

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Should I exercise during pregnancy?

When you find out that you are pregnant, there are many questions that you have. You want to do whatever you can to keep you and your baby safe. Because of this, most women will err on the side of

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No Pain, No Gain

There used to be a phrase, “No pain, no gain” that Jane Fonda would use in the 1980’s in her exercise videos and it blew up. It became a mantra for some people, they would say this phrase during their

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Does Weight Lifting Make Women Bulky?

  As you diet, exercise, and lose weight, the ultimate goal is to reach a healthy level of body fat. We all know the general health benefits from having a healthy body fat percentage and how aesthetically pleasing it can

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What Is Muscle Confusion?

I recently heard a client say, “I need more muscle confusion. I am getting used to all of the exercises here. My muscles aren’t getting confused, so I’m not getting stronger.” This statement made me realize that “muscle confusion” is

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Youth Strength Training

Most parents at one time or another have probably heard that strength training at a younger age (preadolescent) is dangerous, so dangerous that it can cause injury and stunt growth. In fact, you might even believe this to be true

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3 Protein Myths

1. How much protein can I absorb per meal? A lot of people will tell you that you can only absorb ‘X’ amount of protein per meal; this is flat out WRONG! The absorption of protein from a meal is

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