
Learn from AFS Health & Fitness Coaches

Are Artificial Sweeteners Bad For You?

We have a terrible habit in this country of losing sight of the “bigger” picture. A prominent area that suffers from this habit is nutrition and food. We get so caught up on “GMO this”, “organic that”, ” low carb”,”

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Exercise Safely In The Heat This Summer

Heat waves account for more deaths every year in the United States than any other form of natural disaster.  While not all of these instances are exercise related, it goes to show how serious one must be about working out

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Myth Monday: Stay Away from Fats

Fats are perceived as the “taboo” macronutrient but this is a misconception.  While research and education has helped some people understand the health benefits of fats, the misunderstanding persists.   Benefits of Healthy Fats: Help maintain proper hormone function Minimal

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The “Perfect” Diet

In the effort to achieve our weight, physique, performance or medically driven goals, there are two major “players”: Diet and Exercise. I know, I am full of wisdom! But in all seriousness, I find it shocking that, while setting fitness

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Paleo Diet: What is it?

The Paleo Diet is one of the fastest growing diet trends. It is a diet modeled after the eating habits of our ancestors during the Paleolithic period. Proponents claim that the paleo diet is a cure all for the chronic

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Get to know our Staff!

Brittany Walls Guilty Pleasure TV program: The OC Favorite Cheat Meal: Deep Dish Jets Pizza Hidden Talent: Rollerblading Nerdy Obsession: Star Wars! First Crush: A.C. Slater What’s more likely Aliens or Ghost: Aliens Where in the world would you like

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Check your Posterior!

Often when we’re exercising we like to focus on muscle groups that we can see, such as the chest, biceps, abs, and quads – you know the “beach muscles”. But what about the muscles we can’t see — the posterior

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The Truth about Muscle Memory

Muscle memory is a concept that suggests our muscles have the ability to return to, or close to, previous levels of size and strength faster than they originally adapted. Would someone who once exercised regularly really be able to regain

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Office Ergonomics and Posture

Sadly, as we age, we’ll have aches and pains. We often attribute this to getting old, sleeping weird, or doing the wrong kind of exercise. Although all of these may be factors, one big culprit of day-to-day aches and pains

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Managing Stress through Massage

What is stress? Stress is one of the most common conditions affecting Americans. Stress is loosely defined as a state of mental or physical strain or tension. According to the American Institute of Stress, it’s your body’s response to events

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