2018 SJ5K Charity Classes


This isn’t your run-of-the mill 5k…

This one’s organized by students at the Plymouth-Canton Educational Park (P-CEP) for the purpose of providing financial and community support for Plymouth-Canton families in medical crisis. The student-led event was created in 2011 and, to date, 26 families have been helped and nine families are being helped in 2018.
Last year, over 3,000 community members attended to show their support! All funds are used to offset costs of funerals, hospital bills, insurance deductibles, treatment and travel costs, out of pocket costs, prescription costs, lost wages, handicapped-accessible equipment and other items. This year, we’re hoping to raise the funds to help NINE awesome families from our community, including P-CCS staff, students, and parents; click here to watch a video about their stories… have tissues ready.
The eighth annual SJ5k, also known as the Super Jess 5 kilometer run/walk, will be on Sunday, May 6th at 8:00am at Plymouth-Canton Educational Park.. and while some may like to participate in the actual race, there’s other ways to show your support! That’s where AFS is coming in… we’re hosting 4 charity classes in April to raise money for the families of the SJ5K!

  • Who: All clients and guests who want to support the SJ5K recipient families and get a great workout in!
  • Where: Applied Fitness Solutions, 40700 Ann Arbor Rd, Plymouth, MI
  • When:
    Saturday, April 21st – 9am, 10:30am
    Saturday, April 28th – 9am, 10:30am
  • Cost: $20/person (ALL proceeds to towards the SJ5K)
    Pre-pay by donating here (and show your email receipt of at least $20 upon arrival to AFS)
    Bring in cash or check (made out to the SJ5K) to the front desk upon arrival
  • *20 person limit per class time, so please RSVP below!*
  • “Walk-ins” for class will be accepted until we reach 20 participants. If you happen to be the 21st participant, you are more than welcome to stay for one of the normally scheduled AFS classes (which also run at 9am and 10:30am). Your donation will still be just as appreciated!

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How else can I get involved?

  • Register for the race and join the AFS team: Register here! (make sure to click “join a team” and type in “Applied Fitness Solutions”)
  • Donate here or at the AFS front desk during the month of April
  • Participate in AFS charity classes (see information above)
  • Volunteer at the AFS water station (if you wish to volunteer please email Danny at: danny@appliedfitnstg.wpenginepowered.com)

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